Salted Decision for Churches


Salted Decision

Listen up people.

Most of this sermon

You don’t want to hear.

Quite unsolicited

By the elders

I am going to remove

About forty percent

Of our programs

From schedule.

They are tinsel

And pointless fluff.

Fun perhaps, or hobby oriented.

But they do not give honour

To Jesus and the

Gospel accounts

Or Acts of Apostles.

We end now the pot luck suppers

Yoga, book club, bingo

Penny carnivals outside.

Intended to warm up 

The neighbours to us.

We don’t share with them

Issues of repentence

Unto life or simple holy living.

The Holy Spirit must

Be recognized.

All of these problems will

Be cleared up gradually

As we introduce programs 

That must be run

By lay people, you people.

I become the coach

Advising from the sidelines.

You become the players 

Out on the field.

Taking the knocks

Scoring some points.

Seeng some eager ones

Entering the faith Family.

The faith once delivered

To the saints.

Giving God all the Glory.
