Perth Mexican

Perth Mexican

Raphael was ten months here

Two years in Ayr before

Warehouse or vegetable harvests.

Six friends from the South

In frame bunkhouse

Long hot days labouring

Behind ponderous machines.

Seldom nights off in

Core of Hamilton.

Not at all healthy or safe.

But then he heard of

Sorting work with

Eggs in Listowel

Burnbrae Farms.

Good hours

Behefits after four months probation.

Raphael, Miguel

And Gabriel also took the plunge.

Moved over to

Share a two storey walk-up.

Month to month.

Got a bank account each.

English was proving

A challenge.

Night course conversational

Twice per week.

The answer. The language

So unpredictable.

Too many synonyms

Idioms and colloquial.

Not at all like

Beloved building-block

Spanish, which always 

made the point, straight and simple.

The course also featured

Some short stories and poems.

Magical enjoyment.

Poe, Wordsworth, Coleridge

Lightfoot, Munro and Layton.

Soon Raphael found himself

Downing more of the printed page

Than many Ontarians.

Newspapers, McLeans magazine

Readers Digest

Giving different slants

Of the other two, Gabrael

Longed for the Rio Grand.

And a return.

His airfare would be tallied

In another two months of eggs

And occasional bumps

From some home grown gringos.

Graceless as toads.
