Stopped by the Barb Wire Fence


Jackie Robinson

Black man rule breaker

Number 42.

Owes that big chance

To an empathetic

General Manager

Who plainly saw a black’s

Superiority in physique

And reflex.

Day off in midst of

Three game stint in Atlanta.

Horace the limo driver

Took him to the countryside.

Cotton fields in particular

Now leaning on the fence

Observing the sweating

The back breaking

The growing heap of white bolls

In wicker hampers

The spiritual songs sung

Passing the time.

One picker woman

Recognized the Champ.

Many Saturday night

Broadcasts heard on her porch

With excited neighbours.

She was the one

Unofficially calling

The work break

For genuine fellowship

And laughter

And back patting.

Jackie knew the

Kinship was there.
