Sarajevo under siege.


Years of ridiculous hiding

Beautiful City under fire.

Relentless snipers

Up in those hills

Of menace.

Everyone kept indoors.

Empty parks gardens

College and concert hall.

Senior educations continuing

In underground garages

And basements.

Tuesday was bakery day

Thursday was jobs

In leather factory

And in gutted

City Hall offices.

Treacherous open-air walks

From tree to tree

Post to post

Abutments at random.

Neighbour Vladmir

Got shot in the shoulder.

Hospital had been reduced

By sweet old Anna

In her apartmment.

Potluck medical supplies

Trickling in.

Today father was on 

The firewood crew

Gathering the raw stuff of warmth

And light and confidence.

Two children sharing a jigsaw

Colouring books were next.

Daddy was missed.

Mother suspended her laundry

From balcony rails.

Only bright colour for blocks.
