Junior Associate in a spin.


Made it to the big firm

New lawyer

Hoping to save the world

Right all wrongs.

That’ll be the day

Chucky  Boy.

Instead a pile of neglected files

On his desk.

Office nice enough

But soon to become

His dingy sweatshop.

Wheen he wasn’t running

Down to the Courthouse

Waiting on trivial things.

Here my Lad take a shot at

This fenceline argument

This zoning change

To mink kennel

Next to the posh neighbouthood.

This DUI charge where guy

Just about confessed

To the cop while

Lying on his back on the road.

All pretty much losing games.

Lotsa time spent

Puny billings recovered.

No one instructing

On the how and how much

Of retainers, and when to invoice

And pull cash out.

A jungle of unexpected


This big and

Prestigious firm.
